The Cecil Holmes Award was established in honour of Australian cinema pioneer Cecil Holmes, a filmmaker of the 1970s whose work was largely unheralded, and who was later instrumental in mentoring a number of Australian screen directors. The Cecil Holmes Award was instigated in 1995, and is presented by the ADG board from time to time to honour recipients who have advocated for the role of the director. This year the ADG will present the Cecil Holmes Award to lawyers Michael Frankel and Greg Duffy, recognising their long-term dedication to the Australian screen industry. Kingston Anderson said: “For more than 20 years Michael Frankel and Greg Duffy have provided pro-bono legal services to ADG members. This support of the ADG and directors in general is reflected in the work their firm does in the screen industry. Their support and dedication to directors and their support for the ADG has been significant.”
The winners will be announced at the ADG Awards on Friday 6 May 2016.